image of circuit: this image is CC licensed Atttribution 2.0 Author is Ross Elliot

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Mixed Signal ASIC designed for a rugged, hand-held electro-mechanical system.

Mixed-signal ASICs are a high-level sell. Our proven success stories demonstrates our capability.

Customers must have confidence in our sales team to work with us on such a critical and intimate part of their system. It requires a close working relationship with customer Project, and Development Engineering as well as the Procurement teams. It has become customary for SJ to be invited at the architectural stage because of the design team's recognition of our added value to the outcome.

Our sales team must understand the total system under development, and the technical requirements of the ASIC, as well as our manufacturer's design rules for both silicon and packaging technologies in order to provide the best advice.

We must retain our sales perspective, expecting to compete with alternative methodologies and suppliers, overcome technical as well as competitive obstacles, provide feedback to our Principals and collaborate on strategies to win.

We have won more than our fair share of ASIC developments, dominating our market against many well-known competitors.